Captain Electric: From Mascot to Massacre
Information Archives

Captain Electric: From Mascot to Massacre

The Mocumentary Video Project 2004

for more information on this project, please see the above links

The Captain Electric Archives

The Captain Electric Video is a five minute version detailing the decline and fall of Captain Electric during the early 80s. Now hosted at YouTube.

2004 ACAD Grad Show

A slideshow of the setup from the exhibition.

Captain Electric by Other Artists

Sarah Hilliard & Wayne Leung

Below are some of the images and other materials used in the video...


Helmet Design
Button Designs
Cover - Issue 01
Cover - Issue 280
Comic - The Gesticulator
Electrical Safety Message (1980s)
Ring Advertisement
1950s Animation Characters
Original 1940s Safety Mascot

Links to Original work from 2001

First CE Comic
News Article
The Ring
more images will become available as the project progresses

News Archives

April 2004

  • Week 5: Work on final five minute version
  • Week 4: Crit week
  • Week 2/3: Draft of first version completed
  • Week 1: Animator found! Voice acting recorded for animation.

March 2004

  • Week 4: Live interviews taped at local comic store Words and Pictures
  • Week 3: Hugh Defnel interviews filmed with fellow video student, Brendan Baudat
  • Week 2: Audio Recorded - Narration by Jay Random
  • Week 1: Call for Animators/Comic Artists

Captain Electric and related characters are Copyright Sarah Huntrods 2001/2004